Hello Eramus & international students!

This is like bowling but better because drinking is part of the game!

The rules are very simple:
You drink the amount of pins still standing after you finished your turn, an example:
You throw 7 pins, on your next throw you manage to hit 2. You still have 1 pin standing, so you take one sip from your drink.

There are some special rules though:
If you throw a strike, you can order someone to finish their drink at once (called an Ad Fundum).
If you throw a spare, you can give out 10 sips to whoever you chose (you can divide it between people too!)
If you throw a split, you don't have to drink (but you can, if you want to).
The losing team divides the point difference between their players.

When? 14th of February

20:30h: We meet up at GROENPLAATS (near the statue) so we can take the tram together!!

€12 Members | €15 Non members
Get your tickets during the Ice Breaking Week! Limited spots!

See you there

ESN Bowlingsquad

14/02/2017 -
20:30 to 23:30