Dear Student!
Erasmus Student Network (ESN), an international non-profit student organisation is conducting the STORY (Strengthening the Training Opportunities for inteRnational Youth) project, an EU funded research study on recognition of study courses and traineeships taken abroad. The project will include questions from the former PRIME[1] projects 2009- 2010.
You can help us by filling in the questionnaire and win prizes worth a total of 1360 Euro:
- InterRail (22 days)/Eurail (15 days) ticket provided by Eurail;
- 2 New Yorker vouchers (worth 200 euro/each) ;
- and 3 Airbnb vouchers (worth 100 euro/each)!
This survey can be filled in by any current or former student (who graduated in the last 10 years) from a Higher Education Institution.
Please take 10-15 minutes to fill in the following Questionnaire.
For questions about the STORY project, please contact Margarida Carvalho ( If you encounter any technical problems or difficulties, please contact Mohammed Nassar (
Fill out the form at the following link:
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